Gradient : API Documentation

Type PythonObjectContainerExtensions

Namespace LostTech.Gradient

Public static methods

T DynamicGet<T>(this IPythonObjectContainer pythonicObject, string property)

Dynamically retrieves value of a named property

T DynamicInvoke<T>(this IPythonObjectContainer pythonicObject, string method, Object[] args)

Dynamically invokes specified method, returning a value of type

T DynamicInvokeKwargs<T>(this IPythonObjectContainer pythonicObject, string method, IDictionary<string, object> keywordArgs, Object[] args)

Dynamically invokes specified method, returning a value of type

void DynamicSet<T>(this IPythonObjectContainer pythonicObject, string property, T value)

Dynamically sets value of a named property