LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type np

Namespace numpy

NumPy static methods



Public static methods

ndarray array(object object, object dtype, bool copy, string order, bool subok, int ndmin)

object array_dyn(object object, object dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> copy, object order, ImplicitContainer<T> subok, ImplicitContainer<T> ndmin)

ndarray asanyarray(object a, dtype dtype, string order)

ndarray asanyarray(object a, PythonClassContainer dtype, string order)

object asanyarray_dyn(object a, object dtype, object order)

ndarray asarray(object a, dtype dtype, string order)

ndarray asarray(object a, PythonClassContainer dtype, string order)

object asarray_dyn(object a, object dtype, object order)

ndarray ascontiguousarray(object a, PythonClassContainer dtype)

ndarray ascontiguousarray(object a, dtype dtype)

object ascontiguousarray_dyn(object a, object dtype)

void asmatrix(object data, PythonClassContainer dtype)

void asmatrix(object data, dtype dtype)

object asmatrix_dyn(object data, object dtype)

object concatenate_dyn(object arrays, object axis)

Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis

ndarray<T> concatenate<T>(IEnumerable<IArrayLike<T>> arrays, int axis)

Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis

ndarray copy(object a, string order)

object copy_dyn(object a, object order)

void copyto_dyn(ndarray destination, _ArrayLike source)

Copies values from one array to another, broadcasting as necessary.

void copyto<T>(ndarray<T> destination, ndarray<T> source)

Copies values from one array to another, broadcasting as necessary.

ndarray empty(IEnumerable<int> shape, dtype dtype, string order)

ndarray empty(IEnumerable<int> shape, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, string order)

ndarray empty(int shape, dtype dtype, string order)

ndarray empty(int shape, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, string order)

object empty_dyn(object shape, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> order)

ndarray empty_like(object a, object dtype, string order, bool subok)

object empty_like_dyn(object a, object dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> order, ImplicitContainer<T> subok)

float64 exp(Inumber x)

Calculate the exponential of a number.

ndarray<T> exp(I_ArrayLike x)

Calculate the exponential of all elements in the input array.

ndarray expand_dims(ndarray a, int axis)

object expand_dims_dyn(object a, object axis)

ndarray eye(int N, Nullable<int> M, int k, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype)

ndarray eye(int N, Nullable<int> M, int k, dtype dtype)

object eye_dyn(object N, object M, ImplicitContainer<T> k, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype)

ndarray frombuffer(object buffer, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, int count, int offset)

ndarray frombuffer(object buffer, dtype dtype, int count, int offset)

object frombuffer_dyn(object buffer, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> count, ImplicitContainer<T> offset)

ndarray fromfile(object file, dtype dtype, int count, string sep)

ndarray fromfile(object file, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, int count, string sep)

object fromfile_dyn(object file, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> count, ImplicitContainer<T> sep)

ndarray fromfunction(PythonFunctionContainer function, int shape, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype)

ndarray fromfunction(PythonFunctionContainer function, int shape, dtype dtype)

ndarray fromfunction(PythonFunctionContainer function, IEnumerable<int> shape, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype)

ndarray fromfunction(PythonFunctionContainer function, IEnumerable<int> shape, dtype dtype)

object fromfunction_dyn(object function, object shape, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype)

ndarray fromiter(object iterable, PythonClassContainer dytpe, int count)

ndarray fromiter(object iterable, dtype dytpe, int count)

object fromiter_dyn(object iterable, object dytpe, ImplicitContainer<T> count)

ndarray fromstring(string string, dtype dtype, int count, string sep)

ndarray fromstring(string string, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, int count, string sep)

object fromstring_dyn(object string, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> count, ImplicitContainer<T> sep)

ndarray full(int shape, object fill_value, PythonClassContainer dtype, string order)

ndarray full(int shape, object fill_value, dtype dtype, string order)

ndarray full(IEnumerable<int> shape, object fill_value, PythonClassContainer dtype, string order)

ndarray full(IEnumerable<int> shape, object fill_value, dtype dtype, string order)

object full_dyn(object shape, object fill_value, object dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> order)

ndarray full_like(object a, object fill_value, dtype dtype, string order, bool subok)

ndarray full_like(object a, object fill_value, PythonClassContainer dtype, string order, bool subok)

object full_like_dyn(object a, object fill_value, object dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> order, ImplicitContainer<T> subok)

IDictionary<string, string> geterr()

Get the current way of handling floating-point errors.

object geterrcall_dyn()

ndarray identity(int n, dtype dtype)

ndarray identity(int n, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype)

object identity_dyn(object n, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype)

bool_ isfinite(Igeneric x)

Test element-wise for finiteness (not infinity or not Not a Number).

ndarray<T> isfinite<T>(ndarray<T> x)

Test element-wise for finiteness (not infinity or not Not a Number).

_ArrayLike load(string file, object mmap_mode, bool allow_pickle, Nullable<bool> fix_imports)

object load_dyn(object file, object mmap_mode, ImplicitContainer<T> allow_pickle, object fix_imports)

ndarray loadtxt(object fname, dtype dtype, IEnumerable<string> comments, string delimiter, IDictionary<int, Delegate> converters, int skiprows, IEnumerable<int> usecols, bool unpack, int ndmin)

ndarray loadtxt(object fname, dtype dtype, string comments, string delimiter, IDictionary<int, Delegate> converters, int skiprows, IEnumerable<int> usecols, bool unpack, int ndmin)

ndarray loadtxt(object fname, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, IEnumerable<string> comments, string delimiter, IDictionary<int, Delegate> converters, int skiprows, IEnumerable<int> usecols, bool unpack, int ndmin)

ndarray loadtxt(object fname, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, string comments, string delimiter, IDictionary<int, Delegate> converters, int skiprows, IEnumerable<int> usecols, bool unpack, int ndmin)

object loadtxt_dyn(object fname, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> comments, object delimiter, object converters, ImplicitContainer<T> skiprows, object usecols, ImplicitContainer<T> unpack, ImplicitContainer<T> ndmin)

ndarray<T> maximum<T>(ndarray<T> x1, ndarray<T> x2)

ndarray<T> minimum<T>(ndarray<T> x1, ndarray<T> x2)

I_ArrayLike minimum<T>(I_ArrayLike x1, I_ArrayLike x2)

ndarray ones(IEnumerable<int> shape, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, string order)

ndarray ones(int shape, dtype dtype, string order)

ndarray ones(IEnumerable<int> shape, dtype dtype, string order)

ndarray ones(int shape, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, string order)

object ones_dyn(object shape, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> order)

ndarray ones_like(object a, object dtype, string order, bool subok)

object ones_like_dyn(object a, object dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> order, ImplicitContainer<T> subok)

ndarray<T> ones<T>(Int32[] sizes)

Creates a 1-filled array

ndarray<T> ones<T>(UInt64[] sizes)

Creates a 1-filled array

ndarray<T> ones<T>(int size)

Creates a 1-filled array

ndarray<T> ones<T>(ulong size)

Creates a 1-filled array

ndarray<T> ones<T>(IEnumerable<ulong> shape)

Creates a 1-filled array

void save(string file, _ArrayLike array, bool allow_pickle, Nullable<bool> fix_imports)

object save_dyn(object file, object array, ImplicitContainer<T> allow_pickle, object fix_imports)

IDictionary<string, string> seterr(Nullable<FloatingErrorMode> all, Nullable<FloatingErrorMode> divide, Nullable<FloatingErrorMode> over, Nullable<FloatingErrorMode> under, Nullable<FloatingErrorMode> invalid)

Set how floating-point errors are handled.

Note that operations on integer scalar types (such as int16) are handled like floating point, and are affected by these settings.

Nullable<FloatingErrorMode> all
Set treatment for all types of floating-point errors at once.
Nullable<FloatingErrorMode> divide
Treatment for division by zero.
Nullable<FloatingErrorMode> over
Treatment for floating-point overflow.
Nullable<FloatingErrorMode> under
Treatment for floating-point underflow.
Nullable<FloatingErrorMode> invalid
Treatment for invalid floating-point operation.

IDictionary<string, string> seterr(IDictionary<string, string> modes)

Set how floating-point errors are handled.

Note that operations on integer scalar types (such as int16) are handled like floating point, and are affected by these settings.

object seterrcall(FloatingErrorHandler handler)

Set the floating-point error callback function.
The old error handler.

object seterrcall_dyn(object handler)

Set the floating-point error callback function.
The old error handler.

IList<object> split(ndarray ary, int indices_or_sections, int axis)

IList<object> split(ndarray ary, IEnumerable<int> indices_or_sections, int axis)

object split_dyn(object ary, object indices_or_sections, ImplicitContainer<T> axis)

object stack_dyn(object arrays, Nullable<int> axis)

Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis.

ndarray<T> tile<T>(IArrayLike<T> tile, IEnumerable<int> repetitions)

Construct an array by repeating A the number of times given by reps.
IArrayLike<T> tile
The input array, that will be used as a tile.
IEnumerable<int> repetitions
The number of repetitions of the tile along each axis.

ndarray<T> tile<T>(IArrayLike<T> tile, IArrayLike<T> repetitions)

Construct an array by repeating A the number of times given by reps.
IArrayLike<T> tile
The input array, that will be used as a tile.
IArrayLike<T> repetitions
The number of repetitions of the tile along each axis.

ndarray zeros(int shape, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, string order)

ndarray zeros(int shape, dtype dtype, string order)

ndarray zeros(IEnumerable<int> shape, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, string order)

ndarray zeros(IEnumerable<int> shape, dtype dtype, string order)

object zeros_dyn(object shape, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> order)

ndarray zeros_like(object a, object dtype, string order, bool subok)

object zeros_like_dyn(object a, object dtype, ImplicitContainer<T> order, ImplicitContainer<T> subok)

ndarray<T> zeros<T>(int size)

Creates a zero-filled array

ndarray<T> zeros<T>(ulong size)

Creates a zero-filled array

ndarray<T> zeros<T>(Int32[] sizes)

Creates a zero-filled array

ndarray<T> zeros<T>(IEnumerable<ulong> shape)

Creates a zero-filled array

ndarray<T> zeros<T>(UInt64[] sizes)

Creates a zero-filled array

Public properties

PythonFunctionContainer _ArrayLike_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer array_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer asanyarray_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer asarray_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer ascontiguousarray_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer asmatrix_fn get;

object AxesType get; set;

object AxesType_dyn get; set;

PythonFunctionContainer bool__fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer character_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer clongfloat_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer complex__fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer complex128_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer complex256_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer complex64_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer complexfloating_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer csingle_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer dtype_fn get;

object DtypeType get; set;

object DtypeType_dyn get; set;

PythonFunctionContainer empty_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer empty_like_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer expand_dims_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer flagsobj_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer flatiter_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer flexible_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer float__fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer float128_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer float16_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer float32_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer float64_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer floating_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer frombuffer_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer fromfile_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer fromfunction_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer fromiter_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer fromstring_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer full_like_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer generic_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer identity_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer inexact_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer int16_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer int32_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer int64_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer integer_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer loadtxt_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer longfloat__fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer longlong_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer ndarray_fn get;

Nullable<int> newaxis get;

A convenient alias for null , useful for indexing arrays.

PythonFunctionContainer number_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer object__fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer ones_like_fn get;

object OrderType get; set;

object OrderType_dyn get; set;

RestOfTheAxes rest_of_the_axes get;

A placeholder for the rest of the axes.
Show Example
Slice the last dimension from 1 to 2: np.zeros(2, 3, 4)[rest_of_the_axes, 1..2] 

object ShapeType get; set;

object ShapeType_dyn get; set;

PythonFunctionContainer short_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer signedinteger_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer single_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer split_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer ubyte_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer uint16_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer uint32_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer uint64_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer uint8_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer uintc_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer ulonglong_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer unicode__fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer unsignedinteger_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer ushort_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer zeros_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer zeros_like_fn get;