LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type TFLiteConverter

Namespace tensorflow.compat.v2.lite

Parent TFLiteConverterBase

Interfaces ITFLiteConverter

Public instance methods

object convert()

Converts a TensorFlow GraphDef based on instance variables.
The converted data in serialized format. Either a TFLite Flatbuffer or a Graphviz graph depending on value in `output_format`.

object convert_dyn()

Converts a TensorFlow GraphDef based on instance variables.
The converted data in serialized format. Either a TFLite Flatbuffer or a Graphviz graph depending on value in `output_format`.

Public static methods

object from_concrete_functions_dyn<TClass>(object funcs)

TClass from_concrete_functions<TClass>(IEnumerable<object> funcs)

object from_keras_model_dyn<TClass>(object model)

TClass from_keras_model<TClass>(Model model)

object from_saved_model_dyn<TClass>(object saved_model_dir, object signature_keys, object tags)

TClass from_saved_model<TClass>(object saved_model_dir, IEnumerable<string> signature_keys, IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<int>> tags)

Public properties

bool allow_custom_ops get; set;

bool experimental_enable_mlir_converter get; set;

IList<object> optimizations get; set;

object PythonObject get;

RepresentativeDataset representative_dataset get; set;

TargetSpec target_spec get; set;