LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type NumpyState

Namespace tensorflow.contrib.checkpoint

Parent PythonObjectContainer

Interfaces Trackable, INumpyState

A trackable object whose NumPy array attributes are saved/restored.

Example usage: Note that `NumpyState` objects re-create the attributes of the previously saved object on `restore()`. This is in contrast to TensorFlow variables, for which a `Variable` object must be created and assigned to an attribute.

This snippet works both when graph building and when executing eagerly. On save, the NumPy array(s) are fed as strings to be saved in the checkpoint (via a placeholder when graph building, or as a string constant when executing eagerly). When restoring they skip the TensorFlow graph entirely, and so no restore ops need be run. This means that restoration always happens eagerly, rather than waiting for `checkpoint.restore(...).run_restore_ops()` like TensorFlow variables when graph building.
Show Example
arrays = tf.contrib.checkpoint.NumpyState()
            checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(numpy_arrays=arrays)
            arrays.x = numpy.zeros([3, 4])
            save_path = checkpoint.save("/tmp/ckpt")
            arrays.x[1, 1] = 4.
            assert (arrays.x == numpy.zeros([3, 4])).all() 

second_checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint( numpy_arrays=tf.contrib.checkpoint.NumpyState()) # Attributes of NumpyState objects are created automatically by restore() second_checkpoint.restore(save_path) assert (second_checkpoint.numpy_arrays.x == numpy.zeros([3, 4])).all()


Public properties

object PythonObject get;