LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type ITestCase

Namespace tensorflow.test

Interfaces IPythonObjectContainer

Public instance methods

object assertAllClose(object a, object b, object rtol, object atol, object msg)

object assertAllCloseAccordingToType(object a, object b, object rtol, object atol, object float_rtol, object float_atol, object half_rtol, object half_atol, object bfloat16_rtol, object bfloat16_atol, object msg)

object assertAllEqual(object a, object b, object msg)

object assertAllGreater(object a, object comparison_target)

object assertAllGreaterEqual(object a, object comparison_target)

object assertAllInRange(object target, object lower_bound, object upper_bound, object open_lower_bound, object open_upper_bound)

object assertAllInSet(object target, object expected_set)

object assertAllLess(object a, object comparison_target)

object assertAllLessEqual(object a, object comparison_target)

object assertArrayNear(object farray1, object farray2, object err, object msg)

Asserts that two float arrays are near each other.

Checks that for all elements of farray1 and farray2 |f1 - f2| < err. Asserts a test failure if not.
object farray1
a list of float values.
object farray2
a list of float values.
object err
a float value.
object msg
Optional message to report on failure.

object assertDeviceEqual(object device1, object device2, object msg)

object assertDTypeEqual(object target, object expected_dtype)

object assertNDArrayNear(object ndarray1, object ndarray2, object err, object msg)

Asserts that two numpy arrays have near values.
object ndarray1
a numpy ndarray.
object ndarray2
a numpy ndarray.
object err
a float. The maximum absolute difference allowed.
object msg
Optional message to report on failure.

object assertNear(object f1, object f2, object err, object msg)

Asserts that two floats are near each other.

Checks that |f1 - f2| < err and asserts a test failure if not.
object f1
A float value.
object f2
A float value.
object err
A float value.
object msg
An optional string message to append to the failure message.

object assertProtoEquals(object expected_message_maybe_ascii, object message, object msg)

Asserts that message is same as parsed expected_message_ascii.

Creates another prototype of message, reads the ascii message into it and then compares them using self._AssertProtoEqual().
object expected_message_maybe_ascii
proto message in original or ascii form.
object message
the message to validate.
object msg
Optional message to report on failure.

object assertProtoEqualsVersion(object expected, object actual, object producer, object min_consumer, object msg)

object assertShapeEqual(object np_array, object tf_tensor, object msg)

object assertStartsWith(object actual, object expected_start, object msg)

object cached_session(object graph, object config, object use_gpu, object force_gpu)

object captureWritesToStream(object stream)

object checkedThread(object target, object args, object kwargs)

object evaluate(object tensors)

Evaluates tensors and returns numpy values.
object tensors
A Tensor or a nested list/tuple of Tensors.
tensors numpy values.

object session(object graph, object config, object use_gpu, object force_gpu)

object test_session(object graph, object config, object use_gpu, object force_gpu)