LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type experimental

Namespace tensorflow.compat.v2.data.experimental

Public static methods

_DirectedInterleaveDataset choose_from_datasets(IEnumerable<object> datasets, DatasetV1Adapter choice_dataset)

_DirectedInterleaveDataset choose_from_datasets(IEnumerable<object> datasets, Dataset choice_dataset)

Creates a dataset that deterministically chooses elements from `datasets`.

For example, given the following datasets: The elements of `result` will be:

``` "foo", "bar", "baz", "foo", "bar", "baz", "foo", "bar", "baz" ```
IEnumerable<object> datasets
A list of tf.data.Dataset objects with compatible structure.
Dataset choice_dataset
A tf.data.Dataset of scalar tf.int64 tensors between `0` and `len(datasets) - 1`.
A dataset that interleaves elements from `datasets` according to the values of `choice_dataset`.
Show Example
datasets = [tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors("foo").repeat(),

# Define a dataset containing `[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]`. choice_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(3).repeat(3)

result = tf.data.experimental.choose_from_datasets(datasets, choice_dataset)

object choose_from_datasets_dyn(object datasets, object choice_dataset)

Creates a dataset that deterministically chooses elements from `datasets`.

For example, given the following datasets: The elements of `result` will be:

``` "foo", "bar", "baz", "foo", "bar", "baz", "foo", "bar", "baz" ```
object datasets
A list of tf.data.Dataset objects with compatible structure.
object choice_dataset
A tf.data.Dataset of scalar tf.int64 tensors between `0` and `len(datasets) - 1`.
A dataset that interleaves elements from `datasets` according to the values of `choice_dataset`.
Show Example
datasets = [tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors("foo").repeat(),

# Define a dataset containing `[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]`. choice_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(3).repeat(3)

result = tf.data.experimental.choose_from_datasets(datasets, choice_dataset)

object Counter(int start, int step, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype)

object Counter(int start, IGraphNodeBase step, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype)

object Counter(IGraphNodeBase start, int step, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype)

object Counter(IGraphNodeBase start, IGraphNodeBase step, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype)

object Counter_dyn(ImplicitContainer<T> start, ImplicitContainer<T> step, ImplicitContainer<T> dtype)

object make_batched_features_dataset(IEnumerable<object> file_pattern, int batch_size, IDictionary<string, object> features, PythonClassContainer reader, string label_key, IEnumerable<object> reader_args, Nullable<int> num_epochs, bool shuffle, int shuffle_buffer_size, Nullable<int> shuffle_seed, Nullable<int> prefetch_buffer_size, Nullable<int> reader_num_threads, Nullable<int> parser_num_threads, bool sloppy_ordering, bool drop_final_batch)

object make_batched_features_dataset(IEnumerable<object> file_pattern, int batch_size, IDictionary<string, object> features, ImplicitContainer<T> reader, string label_key, IEnumerable<object> reader_args, Nullable<int> num_epochs, bool shuffle, int shuffle_buffer_size, Nullable<int> shuffle_seed, Nullable<int> prefetch_buffer_size, Nullable<int> reader_num_threads, Nullable<int> parser_num_threads, bool sloppy_ordering, bool drop_final_batch)

object make_batched_features_dataset_dyn(object file_pattern, object batch_size, object features, ImplicitContainer<T> reader, object label_key, object reader_args, object num_epochs, ImplicitContainer<T> shuffle, ImplicitContainer<T> shuffle_buffer_size, object shuffle_seed, object prefetch_buffer_size, object reader_num_threads, object parser_num_threads, ImplicitContainer<T> sloppy_ordering, ImplicitContainer<T> drop_final_batch)

Returns a `Dataset` of feature dictionaries from `Example` protos.

If label_key argument is provided, returns a `Dataset` of tuple comprising of feature dictionaries and label.


``` serialized_examples = [ features { feature { key: "age" value { int64_list { value: [ 0 ] } } } feature { key: "gender" value { bytes_list { value: [ "f" ] } } } feature { key: "kws" value { bytes_list { value: [ "code", "art" ] } } } }, features { feature { key: "age" value { int64_list { value: [] } } } feature { key: "gender" value { bytes_list { value: [ "f" ] } } } feature { key: "kws" value { bytes_list { value: [ "sports" ] } } } } ] ```

We can use arguments:

``` features: { "age": FixedLenFeature([], dtype=tf.int64, default_value=-1), "gender": FixedLenFeature([], dtype=tf.string), "kws": VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.string), } ```

And the expected output is:
object file_pattern
List of files or patterns of file paths containing `Example` records. See tf.io.gfile.glob for pattern rules.
object batch_size
An int representing the number of records to combine in a single batch.
object features
A `dict` mapping feature keys to `FixedLenFeature` or `VarLenFeature` values. See tf.io.parse_example.
ImplicitContainer<T> reader
A function or class that can be called with a `filenames` tensor and (optional) `reader_args` and returns a `Dataset` of `Example` tensors. Defaults to tf.data.TFRecordDataset.
object label_key
(Optional) A string corresponding to the key labels are stored in `tf.Examples`. If provided, it must be one of the `features` key, otherwise results in `ValueError`.
object reader_args
Additional arguments to pass to the reader class.
object num_epochs
Integer specifying the number of times to read through the dataset. If None, cycles through the dataset forever. Defaults to `None`.
ImplicitContainer<T> shuffle
A boolean, indicates whether the input should be shuffled. Defaults to `True`.
ImplicitContainer<T> shuffle_buffer_size
Buffer size of the ShuffleDataset. A large capacity ensures better shuffling but would increase memory usage and startup time.
object shuffle_seed
Randomization seed to use for shuffling.
object prefetch_buffer_size
Number of feature batches to prefetch in order to improve performance. Recommended value is the number of batches consumed per training step. Defaults to auto-tune.
object reader_num_threads
Number of threads used to read `Example` records. If >1, the results will be interleaved. Defaults to `1`.
object parser_num_threads
Number of threads to use for parsing `Example` tensors into a dictionary of `Feature` tensors. Defaults to `2`.
ImplicitContainer<T> sloppy_ordering
If `True`, reading performance will be improved at the cost of non-deterministic ordering. If `False`, the order of elements produced is deterministic prior to shuffling (elements are still randomized if `shuffle=True`. Note that if the seed is set, then order of elements after shuffling is deterministic). Defaults to `False`.
ImplicitContainer<T> drop_final_batch
If `True`, and the batch size does not evenly divide the input dataset size, the final smaller batch will be dropped. Defaults to `False`.
A dataset of `dict` elements, (or a tuple of `dict` elements and label). Each `dict` maps feature keys to `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` objects.
Show Example
              "age": [[0], [-1]],
              "gender": [["f"], ["f"]],
              "kws": SparseTensor(
                indices=[[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]],
                values=["code", "art", "sports"]
                dense_shape=[2, 2]),

Dataset make_csv_dataset(IEnumerable<object> file_pattern, int batch_size, IEnumerable<string> column_names, IEnumerable<IGraphNodeBase> column_defaults, object label_name, IEnumerable<object> select_columns, string field_delim, bool use_quote_delim, string na_value, bool header, Nullable<int> num_epochs, bool shuffle, int shuffle_buffer_size, object shuffle_seed, Nullable<int> prefetch_buffer_size, Nullable<int> num_parallel_reads, bool sloppy, int num_rows_for_inference, object compression_type, bool ignore_errors)

object make_csv_dataset_dyn(object file_pattern, object batch_size, object column_names, object column_defaults, object label_name, object select_columns, ImplicitContainer<T> field_delim, ImplicitContainer<T> use_quote_delim, ImplicitContainer<T> na_value, ImplicitContainer<T> header, object num_epochs, ImplicitContainer<T> shuffle, ImplicitContainer<T> shuffle_buffer_size, object shuffle_seed, object prefetch_buffer_size, object num_parallel_reads, ImplicitContainer<T> sloppy, ImplicitContainer<T> num_rows_for_inference, object compression_type, ImplicitContainer<T> ignore_errors)

object sample_from_datasets(IEnumerable<object> datasets, IGraphNodeBase weights, Nullable<int> seed)

object sample_from_datasets(IEnumerable<object> datasets, IEnumerable<double> weights, Nullable<int> seed)

Samples elements at random from the datasets in `datasets`.
IEnumerable<object> datasets
A list of tf.data.Dataset objects with compatible structure.
IEnumerable<double> weights
(Optional.) A list of `len(datasets)` floating-point values where `weights[i]` represents the probability with which an element should be sampled from `datasets[i]`, or a tf.data.Dataset object where each element is such a list. Defaults to a uniform distribution across `datasets`.
Nullable<int> seed
(Optional.) A tf.int64 scalar tf.Tensor, representing the random seed that will be used to create the distribution. See `tf.compat.v1.set_random_seed` for behavior.
A dataset that interleaves elements from `datasets` at random, according to `weights` if provided, otherwise with uniform probability.

object sample_from_datasets(IEnumerable<object> datasets, ndarray weights, Nullable<int> seed)

object sample_from_datasets(IEnumerable<object> datasets, Dataset weights, Nullable<int> seed)

object sample_from_datasets_dyn(object datasets, object weights, object seed)

Samples elements at random from the datasets in `datasets`.
object datasets
A list of tf.data.Dataset objects with compatible structure.
object weights
(Optional.) A list of `len(datasets)` floating-point values where `weights[i]` represents the probability with which an element should be sampled from `datasets[i]`, or a tf.data.Dataset object where each element is such a list. Defaults to a uniform distribution across `datasets`.
object seed
(Optional.) A tf.int64 scalar tf.Tensor, representing the random seed that will be used to create the distribution. See `tf.compat.v1.set_random_seed` for behavior.
A dataset that interleaves elements from `datasets` at random, according to `weights` if provided, otherwise with uniform probability.

Public properties

PythonFunctionContainer choose_from_datasets_fn_ get;

PythonFunctionContainer Counter_fn_ get;

PythonFunctionContainer make_batched_features_dataset_fn_ get;

PythonFunctionContainer make_csv_dataset_fn_ get;

PythonFunctionContainer sample_from_datasets_fn_ get;