Type DistributeOptions
Namespace tensorflow.data.experimental
Parent OptionsBase
Interfaces IDistributeOptions
Represents options for distributed data processing. You can set the distribution options of a dataset through the
`experimental_distribute` property of
; the property is
an instance of tf.data.experimental.DistributeOptions
Show Example
options = tf.data.Options() options.experimental_distribute.auto_shard = False dataset = dataset.with_options(options)
Public properties
PropertyInfo auto_shard get; set;
Whether the dataset should be automatically sharded when processedin a distributed fashion. This is applicable when using Keras with multi-worker/TPU distribution strategy, and by using strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset(). In other cases, this option does nothing. If None, defaults to True.
object auto_shard_dyn get; set;
Whether the dataset should be automatically sharded when processedin a distributed fashion. This is applicable when using Keras with multi-worker/TPU distribution strategy, and by using strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset(). In other cases, this option does nothing. If None, defaults to True.
PropertyInfo num_devices get; set;
The number of devices attached to this input pipeline. This will be automatically set by MultiDeviceIterator.
object num_devices_dyn get; set;
The number of devices attached to this input pipeline. This will be automatically set by MultiDeviceIterator.