LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type StatsOptions

Namespace tensorflow.data.experimental

Parent OptionsBase

Interfaces IStatsOptions

Represents options for collecting dataset stats using `StatsAggregator`.

You can set the stats options of a dataset through the `experimental_stats` property of tf.data.Options; the property is an instance of tf.data.experimental.StatsOptions. For example, to collect latency stats on all dataset edges, use the following pattern:
Show Example
aggregator = tf.data.experimental.StatsAggregator() 

options = tf.data.Options() options.experimental_stats.aggregator = aggregator options.experimental_stats.latency_all_edges = True dataset = dataset.with_options(options)


Public properties

PropertyInfo aggregator get; set;

Associates the given statistics aggregator with the dataset pipeline.

object aggregator_dyn get; set;

Associates the given statistics aggregator with the dataset pipeline.

PropertyInfo counter_prefix get; set;

Prefix for the statistics recorded as counter.

object counter_prefix_dyn get; set;

Prefix for the statistics recorded as counter.

PropertyInfo latency_all_edges get; set;

Whether to add latency measurements on all edges. Defaults to False.

object latency_all_edges_dyn get; set;

Whether to add latency measurements on all edges. Defaults to False.

PropertyInfo prefix get; set;

Prefix to prepend all statistics recorded for the input `dataset` with.

object prefix_dyn get; set;

Prefix to prepend all statistics recorded for the input `dataset` with.

object PythonObject get;