Type Dropout
Namespace tensorflow.layers
Parent Dropout
Interfaces IDropout
Applies Dropout to the input. Dropout consists in randomly setting a fraction `rate` of input units to 0
at each update during training time, which helps prevent overfitting.
The units that are kept are scaled by `1 / (1 - rate)`, so that their
sum is unchanged at training time and inference time.
- activity_regularizer
- activity_regularizer_dyn
- built
- dtype
- dtype_dyn
- dynamic
- dynamic_dyn
- graph
- graph_dyn
- inbound_nodes
- inbound_nodes_dyn
- input
- input_dyn
- input_mask
- input_mask_dyn
- input_shape
- input_shape_dyn
- input_spec
- input_spec_dyn
- losses
- losses_dyn
- metrics
- metrics_dyn
- name
- name_dyn
- name_scope
- name_scope_dyn
- noise_shape
- non_trainable_variables
- non_trainable_variables_dyn
- non_trainable_weights
- non_trainable_weights_dyn
- outbound_nodes
- outbound_nodes_dyn
- output
- output_dyn
- output_mask
- output_mask_dyn
- output_shape
- output_shape_dyn
- PythonObject
- rate
- scope_name
- scope_name_dyn
- seed
- stateful
- submodules
- submodules_dyn
- supports_masking
- trainable
- trainable_dyn
- trainable_variables
- trainable_variables_dyn
- trainable_weights
- trainable_weights_dyn
- updates
- updates_dyn
- variables
- variables_dyn
- weights
- weights_dyn
Public instance methods
object call_dyn(object inputs, ImplicitContainer<T> training)
Public static methods
Dropout NewDyn(ImplicitContainer<T> rate, object noise_shape, object seed, object name, IDictionary<string, object> kwargs)
Public properties
PythonFunctionContainer activity_regularizer get; set;
object activity_regularizer_dyn get; set;
bool built get; set;
object dtype get;
object dtype_dyn get;
bool dynamic get;
object dynamic_dyn get;
object graph get;
DEPRECATED FUNCTION Warning: THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. It will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Stop using this property because tf.layers layers no longer track their graph.
object graph_dyn get;
DEPRECATED FUNCTION Warning: THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. It will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Stop using this property because tf.layers layers no longer track their graph.