LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type BasicDecoder

Namespace tensorflow.contrib.seq2seq

Parent Decoder

Interfaces IBasicDecoder

Public instance methods

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs, BeamSearchDecoderState final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
BeamSearchDecoderState final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(PythonClassContainer outputs, bool final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
PythonClassContainer outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
bool final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(PythonClassContainer outputs, bool final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
PythonClassContainer outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
bool final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs, object final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
object final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs, object final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
object final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs, IGraphNodeBase final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
IGraphNodeBase final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs, IGraphNodeBase final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
IGraphNodeBase final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs, int final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
int final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs, int final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
int final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs, BeamSearchDecoderState final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
BeamSearchDecoderState final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(PythonClassContainer outputs, object final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
PythonClassContainer outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
object final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs, bool final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
bool final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs, bool final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
bool final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(IEnumerable<object> outputs, object final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
IEnumerable<object> outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
object final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(IEnumerable<object> outputs, object final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
IEnumerable<object> outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
object final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(IEnumerable<object> outputs, IGraphNodeBase final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
IEnumerable<object> outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
IGraphNodeBase final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(IEnumerable<object> outputs, IGraphNodeBase final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
IEnumerable<object> outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
IGraphNodeBase final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(IEnumerable<object> outputs, int final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
IEnumerable<object> outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
int final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(IEnumerable<object> outputs, int final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
IEnumerable<object> outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
int final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(IEnumerable<object> outputs, BeamSearchDecoderState final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
IEnumerable<object> outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
BeamSearchDecoderState final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(IEnumerable<object> outputs, BeamSearchDecoderState final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
IEnumerable<object> outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
BeamSearchDecoderState final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(IEnumerable<object> outputs, bool final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
IEnumerable<object> outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
bool final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(IEnumerable<object> outputs, bool final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
IEnumerable<object> outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
bool final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(PythonClassContainer outputs, int final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
PythonClassContainer outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
int final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(PythonClassContainer outputs, int final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
PythonClassContainer outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
int final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(PythonClassContainer outputs, IGraphNodeBase final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
PythonClassContainer outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
IGraphNodeBase final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(PythonClassContainer outputs, IGraphNodeBase final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
PythonClassContainer outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
IGraphNodeBase final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(PythonClassContainer outputs, object final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
PythonClassContainer outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
object final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(PythonClassContainer outputs, BeamSearchDecoderState final_state, int sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
PythonClassContainer outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
BeamSearchDecoderState final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
int sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

ValueTuple<object, object> finalize(PythonClassContainer outputs, BeamSearchDecoderState final_state, IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
PythonClassContainer outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
BeamSearchDecoderState final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
IGraphNodeBase sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
ValueTuple<object, object>
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

object finalize_dyn(object outputs, object final_state, object sequence_lengths)

Called after decoding iterations complete.
object outputs
RNNCell outputs (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for all time steps.
object final_state
RNNCell final state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for last time step.
object sequence_lengths
1-D `int32` tensor containing lengths of each sequence.
`(final_outputs, final_state)`: `final_outputs` is an object containing the final decoder output, `final_state` is a (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.

object initialize(string name)

Initialize the decoder.
string name
Name scope for any created operations.
`(finished, first_inputs, initial_state)`.

object step(IGraphNodeBase time, object inputs, object state, string name)

Perform a decoding step.
IGraphNodeBase time
scalar `int32` tensor.
object inputs
A (structure of) input tensors.
object state
A (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.
string name
Name scope for any created operations.
`(outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)`.

object step(IGraphNodeBase time, object inputs, BeamSearchDecoderState state, string name)

Perform a decoding step.
IGraphNodeBase time
scalar `int32` tensor.
object inputs
A (structure of) input tensors.
BeamSearchDecoderState state
A (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.
string name
Name scope for any created operations.
`(outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)`.

object step(IGraphNodeBase time, BeamSearchDecoderState inputs, object state, string name)

Perform a decoding step.
IGraphNodeBase time
scalar `int32` tensor.
BeamSearchDecoderState inputs
A (structure of) input tensors.
object state
A (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.
string name
Name scope for any created operations.
`(outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)`.

object step(IGraphNodeBase time, BeamSearchDecoderState inputs, BeamSearchDecoderState state, string name)

Perform a decoding step.
IGraphNodeBase time
scalar `int32` tensor.
BeamSearchDecoderState inputs
A (structure of) input tensors.
BeamSearchDecoderState state
A (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.
string name
Name scope for any created operations.
`(outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)`.

object step_dyn(object time, object inputs, object state, object name)

Perform a decoding step.
object time
scalar `int32` tensor.
object inputs
A (structure of) input tensors.
object state
A (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays.
object name
Name scope for any created operations.
`(outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)`.

Public properties

object batch_size get;

The batch size of input values.

object batch_size_dyn get;

The batch size of input values.

object output_dtype get;

A (possibly nested tuple of...) dtype[s].

object output_dtype_dyn get;

A (possibly nested tuple of...) dtype[s].

object output_size get;

A (possibly nested tuple of...) integer[s] or `TensorShape` object[s].

object output_size_dyn get;

A (possibly nested tuple of...) integer[s] or `TensorShape` object[s].

object PythonObject get;

bool tracks_own_finished get;

object tracks_own_finished_dyn get;