LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type Experiment

Namespace tensorflow.contrib.learn

Parent PythonObjectContainer

Interfaces IExperiment

Experiment is a class containing all information needed to train a model.

THIS CLASS IS DEPRECATED. See [contrib/learn/README.md](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/contrib/learn/README.md) for general migration instructions.

After an experiment is created (by passing an Estimator and inputs for training and evaluation), an Experiment instance knows how to invoke training and eval loops in a sensible fashion for distributed training.



Public instance methods

void continuous_eval(object delay_secs, object throttle_delay_secs, bool evaluate_checkpoint_only_once, PythonFunctionContainer continuous_eval_predicate_fn, string name)

object continuous_eval_dyn(object delay_secs, object throttle_delay_secs, ImplicitContainer<T> evaluate_checkpoint_only_once, object continuous_eval_predicate_fn, ImplicitContainer<T> name)

void continuous_eval_on_train_data(object delay_secs, object throttle_delay_secs, PythonFunctionContainer continuous_eval_predicate_fn, string name)

object continuous_eval_on_train_data_dyn(object delay_secs, object throttle_delay_secs, object continuous_eval_predicate_fn, ImplicitContainer<T> name)

ValueTuple<object, object> continuous_train_and_eval(string continuous_eval_predicate_fn)

Interleaves training and evaluation. (experimental)

Warning: THIS FUNCTION IS EXPERIMENTAL. It may change or be removed at any time, and without warning.

The frequency of evaluation is controlled by the `train_steps_per_iteration` (via constructor). The model will be first trained for `train_steps_per_iteration`, and then be evaluated in turns.

This method is intended for single machine usage.

This differs from `train_and_evaluate` as follows:

1. The procedure will have train and evaluation in turns. The model will be trained for a number of steps (usually smaller than `train_steps` if provided) and then be evaluated. `train_and_evaluate` will train the model for `train_steps` (no small training iterations).

2. Due to the different approach this schedule takes, it leads to two differences in resource control. First, the resources (e.g., memory) used by training will be released before evaluation (`train_and_evaluate` takes double resources). Second, more checkpoints will be saved as a checkpoint is generated at the end of each training iteration.

3. As the estimator.train starts from scratch (new graph, new states for input, etc) at each iteration, it is recommended to have the `train_steps_per_iteration` larger. It is also recommended to shuffle your input.
string continuous_eval_predicate_fn
A predicate function determining whether to continue eval after each iteration. A `predicate_fn` has one of the following signatures: * (eval_results) -> boolean * (eval_results, checkpoint_path) -> boolean Where `eval_results` is the dictionary of metric evaluations and checkpoint_path is the path to the checkpoint containing the parameters on which that evaluation was based. At the beginning of evaluation, the passed `eval_results` and `checkpoint_path` will be None so it's expected that the predicate function handles that gracefully. When `predicate_fn` is not specified, continuous eval will run in an infinite loop (if `train_steps` is None). or exit once global step reaches `train_steps`.
ValueTuple<object, object>
A tuple of the result of the `evaluate` call to the `Estimator` and the export results using the specified `ExportStrategy`.

ValueTuple<object, object> continuous_train_and_eval(PythonFunctionContainer continuous_eval_predicate_fn)

Interleaves training and evaluation. (experimental)

Warning: THIS FUNCTION IS EXPERIMENTAL. It may change or be removed at any time, and without warning.

The frequency of evaluation is controlled by the `train_steps_per_iteration` (via constructor). The model will be first trained for `train_steps_per_iteration`, and then be evaluated in turns.

This method is intended for single machine usage.

This differs from `train_and_evaluate` as follows:

1. The procedure will have train and evaluation in turns. The model will be trained for a number of steps (usually smaller than `train_steps` if provided) and then be evaluated. `train_and_evaluate` will train the model for `train_steps` (no small training iterations).

2. Due to the different approach this schedule takes, it leads to two differences in resource control. First, the resources (e.g., memory) used by training will be released before evaluation (`train_and_evaluate` takes double resources). Second, more checkpoints will be saved as a checkpoint is generated at the end of each training iteration.

3. As the estimator.train starts from scratch (new graph, new states for input, etc) at each iteration, it is recommended to have the `train_steps_per_iteration` larger. It is also recommended to shuffle your input.
PythonFunctionContainer continuous_eval_predicate_fn
A predicate function determining whether to continue eval after each iteration. A `predicate_fn` has one of the following signatures: * (eval_results) -> boolean * (eval_results, checkpoint_path) -> boolean Where `eval_results` is the dictionary of metric evaluations and checkpoint_path is the path to the checkpoint containing the parameters on which that evaluation was based. At the beginning of evaluation, the passed `eval_results` and `checkpoint_path` will be None so it's expected that the predicate function handles that gracefully. When `predicate_fn` is not specified, continuous eval will run in an infinite loop (if `train_steps` is None). or exit once global step reaches `train_steps`.
ValueTuple<object, object>
A tuple of the result of the `evaluate` call to the `Estimator` and the export results using the specified `ExportStrategy`.

object continuous_train_and_eval_dyn(object continuous_eval_predicate_fn)

Interleaves training and evaluation. (experimental)

Warning: THIS FUNCTION IS EXPERIMENTAL. It may change or be removed at any time, and without warning.

The frequency of evaluation is controlled by the `train_steps_per_iteration` (via constructor). The model will be first trained for `train_steps_per_iteration`, and then be evaluated in turns.

This method is intended for single machine usage.

This differs from `train_and_evaluate` as follows:

1. The procedure will have train and evaluation in turns. The model will be trained for a number of steps (usually smaller than `train_steps` if provided) and then be evaluated. `train_and_evaluate` will train the model for `train_steps` (no small training iterations).

2. Due to the different approach this schedule takes, it leads to two differences in resource control. First, the resources (e.g., memory) used by training will be released before evaluation (`train_and_evaluate` takes double resources). Second, more checkpoints will be saved as a checkpoint is generated at the end of each training iteration.

3. As the estimator.train starts from scratch (new graph, new states for input, etc) at each iteration, it is recommended to have the `train_steps_per_iteration` larger. It is also recommended to shuffle your input.
object continuous_eval_predicate_fn
A predicate function determining whether to continue eval after each iteration. A `predicate_fn` has one of the following signatures: * (eval_results) -> boolean * (eval_results, checkpoint_path) -> boolean Where `eval_results` is the dictionary of metric evaluations and checkpoint_path is the path to the checkpoint containing the parameters on which that evaluation was based. At the beginning of evaluation, the passed `eval_results` and `checkpoint_path` will be None so it's expected that the predicate function handles that gracefully. When `predicate_fn` is not specified, continuous eval will run in an infinite loop (if `train_steps` is None). or exit once global step reaches `train_steps`.
A tuple of the result of the `evaluate` call to the `Estimator` and the export results using the specified `ExportStrategy`.

object evaluate(Nullable<int> delay_secs, string name)

Evaluate on the evaluation data.

Runs evaluation on the evaluation data and returns the result. Runs for `self._eval_steps` steps, or if it's `None`, then run until input is exhausted or another exception is raised. Start the evaluation after `delay_secs` seconds, or if it's `None`, defaults to using `self._eval_delay_secs` seconds.
Nullable<int> delay_secs
Start evaluating after this many seconds. If `None`, defaults to using `self._eval_delays_secs`.
string name
Gives the name to the evauation for the case multiple evaluation is run for the same experiment.
The result of the `evaluate` call to the `Estimator`.

void extend_train_hooks(IEnumerable<SessionRunHook> additional_hooks)

Extends the hooks for training.

object extend_train_hooks_dyn(object additional_hooks)

Extends the hooks for training.

object local_run_dyn()


Warning: THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. It will be removed after 2016-10-23. Instructions for updating: local_run will be renamed to train_and_evaluate and the new default behavior will be to run evaluation every time there is a new checkpoint.

object reset_export_strategies(IEnumerable<ExportStrategy> new_export_strategies)

Resets the export strategies with the `new_export_strategies`.
IEnumerable<ExportStrategy> new_export_strategies
A new list of `ExportStrategy`s, or a single one, or None.
The old export strategies.

object reset_export_strategies_dyn(object new_export_strategies)

Resets the export strategies with the `new_export_strategies`.
object new_export_strategies
A new list of `ExportStrategy`s, or a single one, or None.
The old export strategies.

object run_std_server_dyn()

Starts a TensorFlow server and joins the serving thread.

Typically used for parameter servers.

object test_dyn()

Tests training, evaluating and exporting the estimator for a single step.
The result of the `evaluate` call to the `Estimator`.

object train(Nullable<int> delay_secs)

Fit the estimator using the training data.

Train the estimator for `self._train_steps` steps, after waiting for `delay_secs` seconds. If `self._train_steps` is `None`, train forever.
Nullable<int> delay_secs
Start training after this many seconds.
The trained estimator.

object train_and_evaluate_dyn()

Interleaves training and evaluation.

The frequency of evaluation is controlled by the constructor arg `min_eval_frequency`. When this parameter is 0, evaluation happens only after training has completed. Note that evaluation cannot happen more frequently than checkpoints are taken. If no new snapshots are available when evaluation is supposed to occur, then evaluation doesn't happen for another `min_eval_frequency` steps (assuming a checkpoint is available at that point). Thus, settings `min_eval_frequency` to 1 means that the model will be evaluated everytime there is a new checkpoint.

This is particular useful for a "Master" task in the cloud, whose responsibility it is to take checkpoints, evaluate those checkpoints, and write out summaries. Participating in training as the supervisor allows such a task to accomplish the first and last items, while performing evaluation allows for the second.
The result of the `evaluate` call to the `Estimator` as well as the export results using the specified `ExportStrategy`.

object train_dyn(object delay_secs)

Fit the estimator using the training data.

Train the estimator for `self._train_steps` steps, after waiting for `delay_secs` seconds. If `self._train_steps` is `None`, train forever.
object delay_secs
Start training after this many seconds.
The trained estimator.

Public static methods

Experiment NewDyn(object estimator, object train_input_fn, object eval_input_fn, object eval_metrics, object train_steps, ImplicitContainer<T> eval_steps, object train_monitors, object eval_hooks, object local_eval_frequency, ImplicitContainer<T> eval_delay_secs, ImplicitContainer<T> continuous_eval_throttle_secs, object min_eval_frequency, ImplicitContainer<T> delay_workers_by_global_step, object export_strategies, object train_steps_per_iteration, ImplicitContainer<T> checkpoint_and_export, object saving_listeners, ImplicitContainer<T> check_interval_secs)

Constructor for `Experiment`. (deprecated)

Warning: THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. It will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Please switch to tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate. You will also have to convert to a tf.estimator.Estimator.

Creates an Experiment instance. None of the functions passed to this constructor are executed at construction time. They are stored and used when a method is executed which requires it.
object estimator
Object implementing Estimator interface, which could be a combination of tf.contrib.learn.Trainable and tf.contrib.learn.Evaluable (deprecated), or tf.estimator.Estimator.
object train_input_fn
function, returns features and labels for training.
object eval_input_fn
function, returns features and labels for evaluation. If `eval_steps` is `None`, this should be configured only to produce for a finite number of batches (generally, 1 epoch over the evaluation data).
object eval_metrics
`dict` of string, metric function. If `None`, default set is used. This should be `None` if the `estimator` is tf.estimator.Estimator. If metrics are provided they will be *appended* to the default set.
object train_steps
Perform this many steps of training. `None`, the default, means train forever.
ImplicitContainer<T> eval_steps
`evaluate` runs until input is exhausted (or another exception is raised), or for `eval_steps` steps, if specified.
object train_monitors
A list of monitors to pass to the `Estimator`'s `fit` function.
object eval_hooks
A list of `SessionRunHook` hooks to pass to the `Estimator`'s `evaluate` function.
object local_eval_frequency
(applies only to local_run) Frequency of running eval in steps. If `None`, runs evaluation only at the end of training.
ImplicitContainer<T> eval_delay_secs
Start evaluating after waiting for this many seconds.
ImplicitContainer<T> continuous_eval_throttle_secs
Do not re-evaluate unless the last evaluation was started at least this many seconds ago for continuous_eval().
object min_eval_frequency
(applies only to train_and_evaluate). the minimum number of steps between evaluations. Of course, evaluation does not occur if no new snapshot is available, hence, this is the minimum. If 0, the evaluation will only happen after training. If None, defaults to 1. To avoid checking for new checkpoints too frequent, the interval is further limited to be at least check_interval_secs between checks.
ImplicitContainer<T> delay_workers_by_global_step
if `True` delays training workers based on global step instead of time.
object export_strategies
Iterable of `ExportStrategy`s, or a single one, or `None`.
object train_steps_per_iteration
(applies only to continuous_train_and_eval). Perform this many (integer) number of train steps for each training-evaluation iteration. With a small value, the model will be evaluated more frequently with more checkpoints saved. If `None`, will use a default value (which is smaller than `train_steps` if provided).
ImplicitContainer<T> checkpoint_and_export
(applies only to train_and_evaluate). If `True`, performs intermediate model checkpoints and exports during the training process, rather than only once model training is complete. This parameter is experimental and may be changed or removed in the future. Setting this parameter leads to the following: the value of `min_eval_frequency` will be ignored, and the number of steps between evaluations and exports will instead be determined by the Estimator configuration parameters `save_checkpoints_secs` and `save_checkpoints_steps`. Also, this parameter leads to the creation of a default `CheckpointSaverHook` instead of a `ValidationMonitor`, so the provided `train_monitors` will need to be adjusted accordingly.
object saving_listeners
list of `CheckpointSaverListener` objects. Used by tf.estimator.Estimator for callbacks that run immediately before or after checkpoint savings.
ImplicitContainer<T> check_interval_secs
Minimum time between subsequent checks for a new checkpoint. This mostly applies if both min_eval_frequency and the time spent per training step is low.

Public properties

object estimator get;

object estimator_dyn get;

string eval_metrics get;

object eval_metrics_dyn get;

object eval_steps get;

object eval_steps_dyn get;

object PythonObject get;

object train_steps get;

object train_steps_dyn get;