LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type MonitoredSession

Namespace tensorflow.train

Parent _MonitoredSession

Interfaces IMonitoredSession

Session-like object that handles initialization, recovery and hooks.

Example usage: Initialization: At creation time the monitored session does following things in given order:

* calls `hook.begin()` for each given hook * finalizes the graph via `scaffold.finalize()` * create session * initializes the model via initialization ops provided by `Scaffold` * restores variables if a checkpoint exists * launches queue runners * calls `hook.after_create_session()`

Run: When `run()` is called, the monitored session does following things:

* calls `hook.before_run()` * calls TensorFlow `session.run()` with merged fetches and feed_dict * calls `hook.after_run()` * returns result of `session.run()` asked by user * if `AbortedError` or `UnavailableError` occurs, it recovers or reinitializes the session before executing the run() call again

Exit: At the `close()`, the monitored session does following things in order:

* calls `hook.end()` * closes the queue runners and the session * suppresses `OutOfRange` error which indicates that all inputs have been processed if the monitored_session is used as a context

How to set `tf.compat.v1.Session` arguments:

* In most cases you can set session arguments as follows: * In distributed setting for a non-chief worker, you can use following: See `MonitoredTrainingSession` for an example usage based on chief or worker.

Note: This is not a `tf.compat.v1.Session`. For example, it cannot do following:

* it cannot be set as default session. * it cannot be sent to saver.save. * it cannot be sent to tf.train.start_queue_runners.
Show Example
saver_hook = CheckpointSaverHook(...)
            summary_hook = SummarySaverHook(...)
            with MonitoredSession(session_creator=ChiefSessionCreator(...),
                                  hooks=[saver_hook, summary_hook]) as sess:
              while not sess.should_stop():



Public instance methods

object run(IDictionary<string, IGraphNodeBase> fetches, IDictionary<object, object> feed_dict, object options, object run_metadata)

object run(IDictionary<string, IGraphNodeBase> fetches, BaseSession feed_dict, object options, object run_metadata)

object run(object fetches, IDictionary<object, object> feed_dict, object options, object run_metadata)

object run(object fetches, BaseSession feed_dict, object options, object run_metadata)

object run_step_fn_dyn(object step_fn)

Public properties

object graph get;

object graph_dyn get;

object PythonObject get;