LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type SecondOrStepTimer

Namespace tensorflow.train

Parent _HookTimer

Interfaces ISecondOrStepTimer

Timer that triggers at most once every N seconds or once every N steps.

This symbol is also exported to v2 in tf.estimator namespace. See https://github.com/tensorflow/estimator/blob/master/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/hooks/basic_session_run_hooks.py



Public instance methods

Nullable<int> last_triggered_step()

Returns the last triggered time step or None if never triggered.

object last_triggered_step_dyn()

Returns the last triggered time step or None if never triggered.

bool should_trigger_for_step(Nullable<int> step)

Return true if the timer should trigger for the specified step.
Nullable<int> step
Training step to trigger on.
True if the difference between the current time and the time of the last trigger exceeds `every_secs`, or if the difference between the current step and the last triggered step exceeds `every_steps`. False otherwise.

object should_trigger_for_step_dyn(object step)

Return true if the timer should trigger for the specified step.
object step
Training step to trigger on.
True if the difference between the current time and the time of the last trigger exceeds `every_secs`, or if the difference between the current step and the last triggered step exceeds `every_steps`. False otherwise.

ValueTuple<Nullable<double>, object> update_last_triggered_step(int step)

Update the last triggered time and step number.
int step
The current step.
ValueTuple<Nullable<double>, object>
A pair `(elapsed_time, elapsed_steps)`, where `elapsed_time` is the number of seconds between the current trigger and the last one (a float), and `elapsed_steps` is the number of steps between the current trigger and the last one. Both values will be set to `None` on the first trigger.

object update_last_triggered_step_dyn(object step)

Update the last triggered time and step number.
object step
The current step.
A pair `(elapsed_time, elapsed_steps)`, where `elapsed_time` is the number of seconds between the current trigger and the last one (a float), and `elapsed_steps` is the number of steps between the current trigger and the last one. Both values will be set to `None` on the first trigger.

Public properties

object PythonObject get;