LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type SyncReplicasOptimizer

Namespace tensorflow.train

Parent Optimizer

Interfaces ISyncReplicasOptimizer

Class to synchronize, aggregate gradients and pass them to the optimizer.

This class is deprecated. For synchrononous training, please use [Distribution Strategies](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/distribute).

In a typical asynchronous training environment, it's common to have some stale gradients. For example, with a N-replica asynchronous training, gradients will be applied to the variables N times independently. Depending on each replica's training speed, some gradients might be calculated from copies of the variable from several steps back (N-1 steps on average). This optimizer avoids stale gradients by collecting gradients from all replicas, averaging them, then applying them to the variables in one shot, after which replicas can fetch the new variables and continue.

The following accumulators/queue are created:

* N `gradient accumulators`, one per variable to train. Gradients are pushed to them and the chief worker will wait until enough gradients are collected and then average them before applying to variables. The accumulator will drop all stale gradients (more details in the accumulator op). * 1 `token` queue where the optimizer pushes the new global_step value after all variables are updated.

The following local variable is created: * `sync_rep_local_step`, one per replica. Compared against the global_step in each accumulator to check for staleness of the gradients.

The optimizer adds nodes to the graph to collect gradients and pause the trainers until variables are updated. For the Parameter Server job:

1. An accumulator is created for each variable, and each replica pushes the gradients into the accumulators instead of directly applying them to the variables. 2. Each accumulator averages once enough gradients (replicas_to_aggregate) have been accumulated. 3. Apply the averaged gradients to the variables. 4. Only after all variables have been updated, increment the global step. 5. Only after step 4, pushes `global_step` in the `token_queue`, once for each worker replica. The workers can now fetch the global step, use it to update its local_step variable and start the next batch. Please note that some workers can consume multiple minibatches, while some may not consume even one. This is because each worker fetches minibatches as long as a token exists. If one worker is stuck for some reason and does not consume a token, another worker can use it.

For the replicas:

1. Start a step: fetch variables and compute gradients. 2. Once the gradients have been computed, push them into gradient accumulators. Each accumulator will check the staleness and drop the stale. 3. After pushing all the gradients, dequeue an updated value of global_step from the token queue and record that step to its local_step variable. Note that this is effectively a barrier. 4. Start the next batch.

### Usage In the training program, every worker will run the train_op as if not synchronized. To use SyncReplicasOptimizer with an `Estimator`, you need to send sync_replicas_hook while calling the fit.
Show Example
# Create any optimizer to update the variables, say a simple SGD:
            opt = GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1) 

# Wrap the optimizer with sync_replicas_optimizer with 50 replicas: at each # step the optimizer collects 50 gradients before applying to variables. # Note that if you want to have 2 backup replicas, you can change # total_num_replicas=52 and make sure this number matches how many physical # replicas you started in your job. opt = tf.compat.v1.train.SyncReplicasOptimizer(opt, replicas_to_aggregate=50, total_num_replicas=50)

# Some models have startup_delays to help stabilize the model but when using # sync_replicas training, set it to 0.

# Now you can call `minimize()` or `compute_gradients()` and # `apply_gradients()` normally training_op = opt.minimize(total_loss, global_step=self.global_step)

# You can create the hook which handles initialization and queues. sync_replicas_hook = opt.make_session_run_hook(is_chief)



Public instance methods

QueueRunner get_chief_queue_runner()

Returns the QueueRunner for the chief to execute.

This includes the operations to synchronize replicas: aggregate gradients, apply to variables, increment global step, insert tokens to token queue.

Note that this can only be called after calling apply_gradients() which actually generates this queuerunner.
A `QueueRunner` for chief to execute.

object get_chief_queue_runner_dyn()

Returns the QueueRunner for the chief to execute.

This includes the operations to synchronize replicas: aggregate gradients, apply to variables, increment global step, insert tokens to token queue.

Note that this can only be called after calling apply_gradients() which actually generates this queuerunner.
A `QueueRunner` for chief to execute.

object get_init_tokens_op(int num_tokens)

Returns the op to fill the sync_token_queue with the tokens.

This is supposed to be executed in the beginning of the chief/sync thread so that even if the total_num_replicas is less than replicas_to_aggregate, the model can still proceed as the replicas can compute multiple steps per variable update. Make sure: `num_tokens >= replicas_to_aggregate - total_num_replicas`.
int num_tokens
Number of tokens to add to the queue.
An op for the chief/sync replica to fill the token queue.

object get_init_tokens_op_dyn(ImplicitContainer<T> num_tokens)

Returns the op to fill the sync_token_queue with the tokens.

This is supposed to be executed in the beginning of the chief/sync thread so that even if the total_num_replicas is less than replicas_to_aggregate, the model can still proceed as the replicas can compute multiple steps per variable update. Make sure: `num_tokens >= replicas_to_aggregate - total_num_replicas`.
ImplicitContainer<T> num_tokens
Number of tokens to add to the queue.
An op for the chief/sync replica to fill the token queue.

object make_session_run_hook(bool is_chief, int num_tokens)

Creates a hook to handle SyncReplicasHook ops such as initialization.

object make_session_run_hook_dyn(object is_chief, ImplicitContainer<T> num_tokens)

Creates a hook to handle SyncReplicasHook ops such as initialization.

Public static methods

SyncReplicasOptimizer NewDyn(object opt, object replicas_to_aggregate, object total_num_replicas, object variable_averages, object variables_to_average, ImplicitContainer<T> use_locking, ImplicitContainer<T> name)

Construct a sync_replicas optimizer. (deprecated)

Warning: THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. It will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: The `SyncReplicaOptimizer` class is deprecated. For synchrononous training, please use [Distribution Strategies](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/distribute).
object opt
The actual optimizer that will be used to compute and apply the gradients. Must be one of the Optimizer classes.
object replicas_to_aggregate
number of replicas to aggregate for each variable update.
object total_num_replicas
Total number of tasks/workers/replicas, could be different from replicas_to_aggregate. If total_num_replicas > replicas_to_aggregate: it is backup_replicas + replicas_to_aggregate. If total_num_replicas < replicas_to_aggregate: Replicas compute multiple batches per update to variables.
object variable_averages
Optional `ExponentialMovingAverage` object, used to maintain moving averages for the variables passed in `variables_to_average`.
object variables_to_average
a list of variables that need to be averaged. Only needed if variable_averages is passed in.
ImplicitContainer<T> use_locking
If True use locks for update operation.
ImplicitContainer<T> name
string. Optional name of the returned operation.

Public properties

object chief_init_op get; set;

Tensor local_step_init_op get; set;

object PythonObject get;

Tensor ready_for_local_init_op get; set;