LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type TypeSpec

Namespace tensorflow

Parent PythonObjectContainer

Interfaces ITypeSpec

Specifies a TensorFlow value type.

A tf.TypeSpec provides metadata describing an object accepted or returned by TensorFlow APIs. Concrete subclasses, such as tf.TensorSpec and tf.RaggedTensorSpec, are used to describe different value types.

For example, tf.function's `input_signature` argument accepts a list (or nested structure) of `TypeSpec`s.

Creating new subclasses of TypeSpec (outside of TensorFlow core) is not currently supported. In particular, we may make breaking changes to the private methods and properties defined by this base class.


Public properties

object PythonObject get;

PythonClassContainer value_type get;

The Python type for values that are compatible with this TypeSpec.

object value_type_dyn get;

The Python type for values that are compatible with this TypeSpec.