LostTech.TensorFlow : API Documentation

Type tf.xla.experimental

Namespace tensorflow

Public static methods

object compile(PythonFunctionContainer computation, IEnumerable<int> inputs)

object compile_dyn(object computation, object inputs)

Builds an operator that compiles and runs `computation` with XLA.

NOTE: In eager mode, `computation` will have `@tf.function` semantics.
object computation
A Python function that builds a computation to apply to the input. If the function takes n inputs, 'inputs' should be a list of n tensors.

`computation` may return a list of operations and tensors. Tensors must come before operations in the returned list. The return value of `compile` is a list of tensors corresponding to the tensors from the output of `computation`.

All `Operation`s returned from `computation` will be executed when evaluating any of the returned output tensors.
object inputs
A list of inputs or `None` (equivalent to an empty list). Each input can be a nested structure containing values that are convertible to tensors. Note that passing an N-dimension list of compatible values will result in a N-dimension list of scalar tensors rather than a single Rank-N tensors. If you need different behavior, convert part of inputs to tensors with tf.convert_to_tensor.
Same data structure as if computation(*inputs) is called directly with some exceptions for correctness. Exceptions include: 1) None output: a NoOp would be returned which control-depends on computation. 2) Single value output: A tuple containing the value would be returned. 3) Operation-only outputs: a NoOp would be returned which control-depends on computation. TODO(b/121383831): Investigate into removing these special cases.

IContextManager<T> jit_scope(bool compile_ops, bool separate_compiled_gradients)

Enable or disable JIT compilation of operators within the scope.

NOTE: This is an experimental feature.

The compilation is a hint and only supported on a best-effort basis.

Example usage: with tf.xla.experimental.jit_scope(): c = tf.matmul(a, b) # compiled with tf.xla.experimental.jit_scope(compile_ops=False): d = tf.matmul(a, c) # not compiled with tf.xla.experimental.jit_scope( compile_ops=lambda node_def: 'matmul' in node_def.op.lower()): e = tf.matmul(a, b) + d # matmul is compiled, the addition is not.

Example of separate_compiled_gradients: # In the example below, the computations for f, g and h will all be compiled # in separate scopes. with tf.xla.experimental.jit_scope( separate_compiled_gradients=True): f = tf.matmul(a, b) g = tf.gradients([f], [a, b], name='mygrads1') h = tf.gradients([f], [a, b], name='mygrads2')
bool compile_ops
Whether to enable or disable compilation in the scope. Either a Python bool, or a callable that accepts the parameter `node_def` and returns a python bool.
bool separate_compiled_gradients
If true put each gradient subgraph into a separate compilation scope. This gives fine-grained control over which portions of the graph will be compiled as a single unit. Compiling gradients separately may yield better performance for some graphs. The scope is named based on the scope of the forward computation as well as the name of the gradients. As a result, the gradients will be compiled in a scope that is separate from both the forward computation, and from other gradients.

IContextManager<T> jit_scope(object compile_ops, bool separate_compiled_gradients)

Enable or disable JIT compilation of operators within the scope.

NOTE: This is an experimental feature.

The compilation is a hint and only supported on a best-effort basis.

Example usage: with tf.xla.experimental.jit_scope(): c = tf.matmul(a, b) # compiled with tf.xla.experimental.jit_scope(compile_ops=False): d = tf.matmul(a, c) # not compiled with tf.xla.experimental.jit_scope( compile_ops=lambda node_def: 'matmul' in node_def.op.lower()): e = tf.matmul(a, b) + d # matmul is compiled, the addition is not.

Example of separate_compiled_gradients: # In the example below, the computations for f, g and h will all be compiled # in separate scopes. with tf.xla.experimental.jit_scope( separate_compiled_gradients=True): f = tf.matmul(a, b) g = tf.gradients([f], [a, b], name='mygrads1') h = tf.gradients([f], [a, b], name='mygrads2')
object compile_ops
Whether to enable or disable compilation in the scope. Either a Python bool, or a callable that accepts the parameter `node_def` and returns a python bool.
bool separate_compiled_gradients
If true put each gradient subgraph into a separate compilation scope. This gives fine-grained control over which portions of the graph will be compiled as a single unit. Compiling gradients separately may yield better performance for some graphs. The scope is named based on the scope of the forward computation as well as the name of the gradients. As a result, the gradients will be compiled in a scope that is separate from both the forward computation, and from other gradients.

object jit_scope_dyn(ImplicitContainer<T> compile_ops, ImplicitContainer<T> separate_compiled_gradients)

Public properties

PythonFunctionContainer compile_fn get;

PythonFunctionContainer jit_scope_fn get;